
@B_Zavadova: me knowing that wednesday means no training in the morning & tacos for a dinner #happyface#B…
@S_Baumrtova: Moc děkuji a těším se na spolupráci Rocknet s.r.o…
@B_Zavadova: just me and my boys waiting for our showtime. . and in the meantime.. I’m working on being as shredded as @chong.oreo and @baileyarmstrong are. @azza.mansfield wants to be more tanned than @steven_coombes1 and finally everyone wants to have hair like @edendrebason . . #kawanaaquatics#swimming @ Kawana Aquatic Centre…
@S_Baumrtova: Jsem nadšená, že můžu oznámit, že se zúčastním série závodů International Swimming League jako zástupne týmu DC Trident s kapitánkou týmu Katie Ledecky. Jsem poctěna, že budu závodit za tak skvělý tým, že můžu závodit s těmi nejlepšími plavci na světě a trénovat pod nejlepšími trenéry světa Říjen 5-6 Indianapolis Říjen 12-13 Naples Listopad 16-17 College Park, Maryland…
@B_Zavadova: sometimes just the way to achieve our goals is the funniest and the most important part of our life. is it your goal big enough? i think it should scare you. it’s also testing our passion and determination. and it helps us to find our purpose in our life. because with every step what we do to achieve our goals we grow up as a person. and as we grow up, we change. so do our goals. and our purpose in life. but it’s okay. it’s actually great. because there should be just one goal in your life. happiness & fulfillness. and the diversity between us is amazing. you’re unique. what makes you happy and fulfilled is just your thing. and I love you for that. ♥️ have a great time! B. #zen#beyourself#beach#happyplace…
@S_Baumrtova: Plavala jsem pomáhat a vyhrála medaili jupíí . . #SpolecneProtiBezmoci #plavejpomahat #PragueCitySwim #ALS #ziminka #ve #vodicce #vltava #14 #stupnu #au #Strelecky #ostrov #praha #TYRczech #TYRwarrior…
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